Quotes from the Movie Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs

Have you ever felt like you were a little bit different? Like you had something unique to offer the world, if you could just get people to see it? Then you know exactly how it felt to be me.

Flint Lockwood

I wanted to run away that day, but you can't run away from your own feet.

Flint Lockwood

It's okay, it's just pain.

Flint Lockwood

Come on, Steve. We've got a diem to carpe!

Flint Lockwood

I've never actually been in a snowball fight.

Flint Lockwood

I don't even know the rules. Is there like a point system, or is it to the death?

Flint Lockwood

Look, I'm as mad at Flint as you are. In fact, when he gets out of that car, I'm gonna slap him in the face. I know Flint Lockwood made the food, but it was made-to-order, and now it's time for all of us to pay the bill.

Earl Devereaux

My chest hairs are tingling. Something's wrong.

Earl Devereaux

Flint, this is amazing! And designing the ice cream to accumulate into scoops? I don't know how you're gonna top this!

Sam Sparks

Thanks Patrick. OK, everybody, you are not going to believe this one, but I am standing in the middle of a burger rain. You may have seen a meteor shower, but you've never seen a shower "meatier" than this. For a town stuck eating sardines, this is totally manna from heaven.

Sam Sparks

My forecast? Sunny... -side up.

Sam Sparks

No. You never--? I mean, look, even Steve is throwing chocolate snowballs. Ew.

Sam Sparks

OK. It was a really long time ago but... I too was... a nerd!

Sam Sparks

We need a doctor! Is anyone here a doctor? Anyone?

Sam Sparks

Yikes! What is that, a scrunchie? I haven't seen one of those since 1995.

Patrick Patrickson

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